It’s been far past due for this website to get some love. Over the last few weeks I have been working to rebrand and refresh my personal website. The result is what you see here today. It’s much lighter than the previous one, features professional photography of yours truly, and has a more update portfolio and about section.
So… Why the Refresh?
I have developed substantially in my career over the last few years. I have started businesses, some have failed, others have not, and as well continued to progress in the WordPress and web design world. Much has changed from two years ago, and I needed a more modern platform to showcase who I am and what I do.
Here’s a before & after to see a quick comparison:
And After
The new site features a much more minimal and flat look than the previous design. The new site tells a better story through the strategic use of professional photography and well written content. Gone is the story about my past, in it’s place, a showcase of my companies and projects.
What Do You Think?
How do you think the new site compares to the old one? I’d like to hear what you think! Leave me a comment :]