How to Hide WooCommerce’s Annoying Admin Notices
Hiding “Install the WooThemes Updater plugin…” alert on Dashboard is easy. Clean up your admin dashboard by removing this message.
Hiding “Install the WooThemes Updater plugin…” alert on Dashboard is easy. Clean up your admin dashboard by removing this message.
I’m very excited to announce that I will be speaking about WordPress Optimization for Speed at this year’s WordCamp Orange County.
WooCommerce virtual orders can be marked as ‘completed’ automatically after payment easily. Here’s a useful bit of code to add to your custom functionality plugin or your theme’s functions.php file.
Roots theme makes use of the excellent Theme Wrapper which helps to cut down greatly on code clutter within your WordPress theme. WooCommerce doesn’t play nicely with this logic and you may notice duplicate headers within your code: How to Fix the Duplicate Headers 1. Create a Blank header.php file in your theme directory: /**…
It’s the end of 2012 and what better way to spend it that chatting WordPress with a group of awesome WP experts on WPwatercooler. Check out my first time on the cooler!
Need to use Gravity forms to send a file attachment upon user submission? Here’s how!
I had to fix IE’s issue with Flash and it had to do with the object tag and classid attribute. Here’s the fix!
We all love WordPress custom post types, but don’t you hate those peski 404’s? Here’s a useful checklist to help fix the issues.
Sometimes you don’t want to return a ton of pagination items… here’s how to limit the number if you’re using the WP-PageNavi plugin.
WordPress 3.0’s menu system already rocks, but check out what you can do with this GoDaddy-like menu system with custom “walkers” containing descriptions.